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Are you a professional artist with a recent past as a refugee? Then the Galatea Art Prize is something you should consider! Find out more about the prize and how to take part below.

What is the Galatea Art Prize?

The Galatea Art Prize was established to help artists with a refugee past to find their way in the Dutch art world. The prize is an initiative by the Galatea Foundation.

Every other year, an open call is made and a number of artists are selected by a jury. Shortlisted artists are invited to participate in a joint exhibition at Dordrecht Museum. This exhibition will be held from April 12 to October 5 2025.

The jury consists of chairman Wilma Sütö (curator Dordrecht Museum), Jaap Versteegh en Joke van Veen (founders of the Galatea Foundation), Natalia Grezina (winner of the Galatea prijs 2023) en artist Senad Alic.

For whom?

The Galatea Art Prize is meant for professional artists who have a recent past as a refugee.*

How can I take part?

Fill in this form with your details, motivation and a survey of your work no later than November 1.


  • You are active as a professional artist
  • You are living in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • You have a recent past as a refugee
  • You have a residence permit for the Netherlands **
  • You are available to be in Dordrecht Museum occasionally during the exhibition***

*For applicants on social benefits, the €2,500 prize may be awarded in various forms in consultation with the Galatea Foundation, for example as a contribution towards materials, exhibition space, a publication etc.

**Applicants must have a Dutch residence permit since they may not be employed under Dutch law without it.

***The selected artists will be presented in the exhibition in a video/photo portrait. The artists are required to be present in the museum on various occasions. Travel expenses will be reimbursed.

What happens after I apply?

A jury will assess the motivational letters and the quality of the work submitted and will select various applicants to take part in a group exhibition at Dordrecht Museum. The winner of the prize will be announced on July 5 2025.

The panel’s decision-making process is not open to discussion.
It is not the Foundation’s goal to advance the material interests of any particular artist.

Please contact the Galatea Foundation for any further enquiries via