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Please access the museum through the main entry door (via the garden), not via the museum restaurant (very heavy door). The restaurant and shop are accessible via the main entrance.

All areas are accessible, sometimes you need to go back through an area where you have already been, in order to get to the elevator.


Owners of a "gehandicaptenparkeerkaart" (GPK) can park on all regular parking lots. The nearest ticket dispender is on the corner of the Museumstraat/Nieuwstraat. Owners of a GPK card pay a special rate. Please notice that this rate can only be chosen on the machine, not always on every app.


There is a wheelchair toilet on the ground floor. For larger wheelchairs it can be difficult to make a turn. Also the sink is too low, therefore you might not be able to reach it.

Wheel chairs

Wheel chairs are available. We reccommend making a reservation via


Any other questions you would like to ask or recommendations you would like to make? Please contact us via

Phone: +31 (0)78 770 8708